When you download the theme from the marketplace, you will get an archive file in .zip extension. If you are using Windows you need WinZip or similar tool to unpack the archive. If you are using MacOS, double click on the archive file, and the archive will be unpacked in the same folder, and you should see ThemeName_Version folder.
There are two ways to install the theme.
- Via FTP server.
- Via WordPress (Recommended)
Via FTP Server
1. Connect to your website host, using one of many FTP clients, for example FileZilla.
2. Go to your default WordPress themes folder, and copy ThemeNameWP into that folder. Properly uploaded theme should have path like this : ../wp-content/themes/ThemeNameWP
Via WordPress Install (Recommended)
1. Open your WordPress dashboard.
2. Go to Appearance > Themes. Click Install Themes tab, located at the top of the screen.
3. Click Upload.
4. Choose ThemeNameWP.zip from the zip that you have downloaded from the marketplace
5. Click Install Now.