Version 4.1.
- [^] Updated Revolution Slider to the latest version 4.6.0
Version 4.0.
- [+] Added Sticky Header/Navigation Option
- [+] Added Mega Menus dropdown
- [+] Added default Ordered and Unordered lists in Styles
- [+] Added New Layer Slider
- [+] Added New Revolution Slider
- [+] Added New Screets Chat
- [+] Added basic support for WooCommerce
- [*] Fixed error with Staff shortcode
- [*] Fixed empty a tags in Landing Template
- [*] Fixed Search Widget CSS
- [*] Fixed Meta Box Displays
- [*] Fixed Widget Margin CSS
- [*] Fixed minor CSS issues
- [^] Replaced Back to Top button icon
- [^] Improved Translation Support
- [^] Improved RTL Support
- [^] Improved Loading Speed (minify CSS)
- [-] Removed unnecessary plugin recommendations
Version 3.0.
- [+] Added Layer Slider
- [+] Added two new layouts. Stretched – Minimal and Boxed – Attached.
- [+] Added new Shortcode! HB Image Box.
- [+] Added two new page examples. Home 11 and Home 12.
- [+] Added option to disable main container shadow.
- [+] Added option to disable bottom border line.
- [+] Added two new Styles for lists : Simple Unordered and Numbered Ordered list. Choose them from Styles in WYSIWYG editor.
- [+] Added new Font Awesome icons.
- [+] Added new theme exports. Widgets, Layer Sliders, and new Content Exports.
- [^] Improved From Portfolio Shortcode. You can now specify order and orderby in shortcode.
- [^] Improved compatibility with WPML plugin.
- [^] Improved overall theme performance.
- [^] Updated Revolution Slider to the latest version.
- [^] Updated Chat Plugin to the latest version.
- [*] Fixed color change in pagination.
- [*] Fixed javascript confirm box where it said ‘Are you sure you want to delete this slider’.
- [*] Fixed Chat Plugin position. Moved to the left side.
- [*] Fixed h1 and h5 typography issues in Typography Settings.
- [-] Removed broken Twitter Widget. Use external plugin instead.
Version 2.3.
- [*] Fixed the problem with page titles – replacing special characters such as & to & amp; and similar… Only changed functions.php
Version 2.2.
- [+] Included Live Chat Plugin – worth $15.
- [^] Updated Revolution Slider to the latest version. Version 2.3.91
- [*] Fixed Portfolio Filter Issue – disabled hover issue.
Version 2.1.
- [+] Added CSS for tables.
- [+] Added missing translation strings.
- [*] Replaced all images with losslesly compressed ones for faster loading.
- [*] Fixed issue with exclude category for blog templates.
- Fixed minor CSS issues.
- [*] Aside posts in archives now show full content instead of excerpt.
- [*] Improved compatibility with IE8 – optimized jQuery scripts.
Version 2.0.
- [+] WPML plugin now officially supports Aegaeus WordPress theme.
- [+] Added optional WPML language selector in header. Requires WPML plugin to be installed.
- [+] Added Plugin Recomendation and automatic plugin installer. Revolution Slider is now installed that way.
- [+] Added Landing Page Template **HOT** Example Here.
- [+] Added Optional Search below the social icons in header area.
- [+] Added Small Blog Template. Example Here.
- [+] Added Skill Shortcode. Example Here.
- [+] Added Newsletter Widget (MailChimp).
- [+] Added Optional zoom on mobile devices.
- [+] Added Testimonial Page Pagination (Optional, choose how many items to show).
- [+] Added Portfolio Page Pagination (Optional, choose how many items to show).
- [+] Added Portfolio Gallery Page Pagination (Optional, choose how many items to show).
- [+] Added Portfolio Category/Skill archive pagination.
- [+] Added meta option to disable Portfolio filter.
- [+] Added Customizable padding for logo – margin top.
- [+] Added more home page examples. Home 9 and Home 10.
- [+] Added two more slider examples. Landing Page Slider and Second Slider on Home 10.
- [+] Added ‘NEW’ tag for menu items.
- [+] Added option for different featured image for portfolio single pages. Now you can have different thumb and featured image.
- [+] Added option to disable featured images on portfolio single pages.
- [+] Added Theme Option Import/Export
- [+] Added Testimonial Categories.
- [+] Added Web Tracking Code placehold, for GoogleAnalytics for example.
- [+] Added more training videos.
- [+] Added new po/mo files
- [+] Added new demo theme exports. (demo content, 3 revolution sliders, theme options export)
- [+] Testimonial Shortcode now supports categories.
- [+] Testimonial Page Template now supports categories
- [+]Listed created Revolution Slider sliders in page meta. No more needed to enter alias, simply choose one.
- [^] Updated Revolution Slider to latest version (v2.3)
- [^] Updated Theme Documentation
- [*] Fixed Related Portfolio Projects
- [*] Fixed White line on the layout
- [*] Fixed Contact Form 7 submit button styling.
- [*] Fixed minor translation issues.
- [*] Fixed responsive navigation when using icons.
- [*] Fixed line height of widget title.
- [*] Fixed testimonial arrow in footer.
- [*] Fixed icons in footer menu issue.
- [*] Fixed minor CSS styling issues.
Version 1.2.
- [+] Added RTL (Right to left) content support.
- [+] Added new button in HB Dashboard – “Open a support ticket”.
- [+] Added new video tutorial – “Revolution Slider installation and import.”
- [+] Added Dutch and French translation files.
- [+] Added responsiveness for tab shortcode.
- [+] Added option for plain background color in theme options.
- [^] Updated Revolution Slider to latest version.
- [*] Fixed small CSS issues.
- [*] Fixed issue with translation.
- [*] Improved theme translation (new po/mo files).
Version 1.1.
- [+] Added option to disable footer widgets.
- [+] Added option to disable copyright line.
- [+] Added option to disable to top button.
- [+] Added Revolution Slider export.
- [^] Updated Revolution Slider to latest version.
- [^] Revolution Slider now compatible with WordPress 3.5+.
- [*] Fixed disappearing logo in IE.
- [*] Fixed Font Awesome icon size in fullwidth box shortcode in IE9.
- [*] Improved compatibility with plugins.
- [*] Fixed header dropdown color bug.
- [*] Fixed typo “Commenr”.
- [*] Fixed typo “Deparment”.
- [-] Removed “farbtastic” imports.
Changelog Legend
[+] – New Feature Added.
[-] – Feature Removed.
[^] – Updated Feature.
[*] – Fixed or Improved Problem.
[-] – Feature Removed.
[^] – Updated Feature.
[*] – Fixed or Improved Problem.