Profile: ruftara

About ruftara

I am a retired IT professional who stumbled into writing almost by chance. I love it with a passion. At the moment I am struggling through the first draft of a novel and have to constantly remind myself just to let the words flow and to stop fiddling with the non essentials .. anal restiveness. Other times I beat my self up and think that what I write is no good. Having read a few 'blockbusters' recently that were so poorly written, I figured that perhaps I could give it a go and so here I am -- The Incipient Author. There are many tales whirring around in my head that I simply need to get down on paper. So I thought, 'Why not start a Blog?' and force the discipline of writing a small piece every week.I also need to concentrate on finishing the first draft of my novel, with the recognition that the work really only begins on the completion of the first draft. When I look into the future, I am not sure how or where I will find the time. But what the hell, I am having fun

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