Weird bug changing all pages to Mya Carter

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    March 25, 2019 at 3:36 pm #137283

    Hi. I recently used the testimonials to add a new one called “Mya Carter” and nothing on my website has been the same since. Every time I go to edit an existing page two things automatically happen:

    1. The name and URL of the page is instantly changed to “Mya Carter.”
    2. The visibility of the page instantly changes to “scheduled” and “private” and there is no option for me to simply publish because the publish button disappears. It simply reads “move to trash.”

    When I do “quick edit,” on top of the page name and slug being changed to Mya Carter, it automatically makes it private and adds a password. It’s as if there’s a virus on my site on something!

    So the only workaround I have for this is to open the page on an incognito tab which seems to resolve the bug and put the page as a draft, then quick edit it and publish it. When I go into my scheduled pages, I click “publish” and it remains under the scheduled. I believe this had something to do with the testimonials section of this theme because this wasn’t happening before I created that testimonial for Mya Carter.This is so frustrating and annoying!!!!

    Can you please help?

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