Visual Composer

  • Resolved
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    March 17, 2015 at 5:19 am #32138

    I updated my Visual Composer and could not use it which made me contact Visual Composer support. They redirected me to Highend support (please see attached email).

    Visual Composer support reply with the following message:
    ” Hi George,

    The issue is because there is an inbuilt version of Visual Composer (or the related code) present in your theme which is overriding the standalone plugin version and hence causing the issue. You will have to get rid of it. I would advise you to do so with the help of theme author, otherwise you might loose the extra elements added by him. Once this is done, you can install the standalone plugin and it will work fine. Kindly check.

    Thank you,

    My original Massage:

    On Tue, 17 Mar at 4:46 am , George D <> wrote:
    Visual Composer is not loading.
    This is what I tried…
    I updated the plugin after I deleted the old version and still not loading.
    I deactivated all other plugins and tried again and still not loading.
    The loading sign is active as if it is loading but after a long long time is still not loading.
    Any ideas?
    George ”

    Any ideas how can I fix this issue and use Visual Composer without losing Highend features?

    Thank you for your time.

    A suggestion:
    When I tried to open a new ticket, the system suggested a few old tickets related to the new issue. It was difficult to determine how old the post before i open each one. I suggest to add the post date to the info to help us to know which one is the most recent ticket to read first. THANKS. 🙂

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