Revolution Slider not working.. etc.

  • Not Resolved
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    August 12, 2014 at 6:50 pm #7890

    Could you please help me change the present slider in my website at under ‘VIDEOS” to Revolution Slider, since the Revolution slider in HB-Theme is not working in my site. Please note that I used the simple slider at present but I want to change it with the Revolution Slider since it has a good animation and effect in the images. If you could also make the background of the content body of my website with an all WHITE background color (not gray) as well as change all FONTS in Verdana (including the font in the row section of VIDEOS title, etc. since this font in big letters are not good for me) that would be appreciated. Please help me (step by step) on how to do it and which section in the dashboard should I edit to come up with the fonts and background color that I like to change.

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