New User Registration – BIG PROBLEM

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    March 13, 2015 at 6:55 am #31812


    I have a serious concern about the new user registration feature for this theme.

    When a new user clicks on login > register > they are directed to a custom new user registration splash page, cool.

    After registering, they are given a “Registration is complete. Please check your email” and REMAIN on this page. However, a LOGIN WITH WORDPRESS box appears under login. This should not happen. It confuses the customer and they should not see the backend of the website.

    After a new customer registers, they will then check their email and return back to this page and enter their credentials and hit enter. Upon doing so, they are taken to a WordPress Dashboard, much like my administrative dashboard. They should not see this at all!

    Why is the new customer not redirected to the website’s homepage after registering? How can this confusion be avoided? I DO NOT want my customers to log into a wordpress dashboard after registering for my website. It should take them to their account page.

    Please help with this as I am launching next week and need this addressed immediately. Thank you so much.

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