Multiple aspects of my website are not mobile responsive

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    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    September 1, 2023 at 2:48 pm #159984

    Hello, this is my first post. I recently purchased the Highend theme and have completely redone my website. One of my main reasons for switching from my previous theme and downloading Highend, was the responsiveness. The desktop and tablet versions of my website are great and I am very happy with it, however the mobile version’s formatting is very messed up. I tried adjusting the column width and sizes in the mobile responsiveness mode, and I cannot figure it out. Here are my main issues with mobile responsiveness.
    *on my counseling services page- the columns labeled insurance and EAP need to be stacked on top of each other in mobile mode.
    * my logo in the header is not showing up on mobile version, and the header is too wide, I want to make it very narrow to save room. I should clarify- my logo is showing up on the mobile preview on my desktop, but when I check on my actual phone- the logo is not there.
    * I used HTML element on my contact us page, and the form is showing up correctly on desktop and tablet version, but again the mobile version is very small, and you have to scroll a whole bunch to get to the entire form.–I’m not sure if this is a google forms issue or an issue with the theme– I had the same form embedded in my website with my previous theme and I never had a problem.

    I am not very knowledgeable in coding and website development, but this was the reason why I chose this theme. If someone could please help me fix these mobile responsiveness issues, and help me to understand mobile responsiveness so that I can troubleshoot any future issues myself, it would be greatly appreciated. My website URL is:

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