Many issues

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Aegaeus WP Theme  
  • Customer
    April 19, 2014 at 7:33 pm #1709

    1) when I have a Category item as part of my main menu, how can I remove the following text from showing up when someone clicks on it?

    Category “News”
    There are 2 results found

    It’s a waste of space and info, I just want them to get right to the news.

    2) I can’t get my sidebar to display categories. I have a sidebar widget created, I dragged the category section to the sidebar section. On pages, I have selected the position and which sidebar to display but no categories show up.

    3) how can I make the background image clickable

    4) Even though advertised, Instagram isn’t a social option under Social Links

    5) how can I get the contents of the right sidebar to be higher in the sidebar, everything is floating in the middle right now.

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