Highend Theme Conflicting with Some WooCommerce Plugins

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    May 12, 2015 at 7:34 am #38948

    I’ve done a little looking at the code and have found this:

    The “WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos” plugin uses the CSS class “.colorpicker”, which is also used by Highend in its Options (e.g. the “Default Settings”->”Title Bar”->”Background Color” Color Picker).

    Also, the “WooCommerce Warranty Requests” plugin for WooCommerce uses the same “select2.min.js” javascript library that Highend uses. This causes the drop-down menus in the Highend Options to malfunction and get stuck in a semi-open position.

    Could you please go over your code for Highend and try to isolate the CSS and JS from conflicts with WooCommerce plugins?

    I have contacted WooThemes, and WooThemes support techs also confirm that it is Highend that is conflicting with their plugins.

    Here is their message to me:

    After a bit more testing, it seems that the issue is not being caused by the plugin, but is actually being caused by the Highend theme.

    Your best bet will be to contact the theme developer to see if they have come up with an update that is fully WooCommerce compatible.

    Steve – WooCommerce Ninja
    WooThemes Support

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