Fixing accent over top nav menu items

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    March 2, 2016 at 8:12 am #75973


    I am working on Having a bunch of trouble with the accents over the items in the primary navigation. I was able to build a secondary navigation where the accents behave properly, but am having a bunch of trouble with the top one. The main issue I am currently facing, is the home page. Because all the navigation menu items are ‘dead links’ pointing to /#, they all show up as being the current link if someone is on the home page.

    As you can see, this issue goes away once you are off the homepage.

    Any clue how to address this?

    I had tried doing a call to body.home and set the CSS but I think it’s fighting with settings I’ve already made… kinda clumsy CSS work I guess.

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