Don't understand why page buttons don't advance the page

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    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    January 12, 2015 at 1:59 pm #23298

    I’m new to this Highend Theme, and pretty much an HTML noob.
    I’m having a problem understanding why the page buttons at the bottom of a gallery don’t switch to the next page. As I add more content to the gallery, I can see the number of pages available go up (now 3 pages), but if I click on a specific number, or the advance button, it just stays on the same page.
    This is basically a small modification of one of your Theme Demo pages to which I’ve loaded content. Most of the code isn’t visible using Visual Composer, so I have no idea how to access and fix that button.
    The URL for the page in question is:;paged=3
    (I can send you login credentials if you instruct me how to do it privately)
    Thank you!

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