Creating a custom row id

  • Resolved
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    June 2, 2015 at 7:42 pm #42362


    I am having trouble creating a custom row id.

    I have custom local menus on some pages (just simple html ‘ul li’ list menus that link to specific sections on that page) and I am trying to create scroll # links to sections of the page using id’s. When I use the ‘One Page Section’ ‘Section ID’ in the row options, I am not able to target the section id with an id # selector.

    For example, if I input “my-section-01” in the ‘One Page Section’ ‘Section ID’ area in the row options, I am not able to link to it with #my-section-01 when I create my simple menus. I have tried activating the ‘Enable One Page Elements’ tick box below, but it’s still not working. When I look at the source code of the page, the id is not showing up.

    Is there an alternative to create custom id’s for rows in this theme? I need to have a custom id for the whole row so that I can highlight elements in my local menu as the user scrolls (activating hover states on the menu so that the user knows where they are on the site). It’s a vertical menu that allows the user to navigate throughout that individual page.



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