Visual/Layout Issues with "Sale" and "New" products

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    October 10, 2018 at 7:00 pm #131603

    Hello, I have been having some minor issues with how things are looking on my Shop pages. Since they are visual/layout issues on the front end, I’m assuming that they are Highend Theme-related. Please correct me if I am wrong.
    First, I noticed a few updates ago that the badges for “Sale” and “New” items had changed, and not for the better. They look glitchy, like something is technically wrong. [screengrab attached]. I would like to either be able to edit the badges to make them more presentable, or get rid the badges altogether.
    Second, when an item is on sale, the discounted “slashed” price goes over the product name, making the text a jumbled mess [see same screenshot]. Not sure how to fix this, but it looks bad.
    Minor issues aside, I love Highend theme, and plan on sticking with it. Thanks!

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