Veteran Women Needs Your Help!!

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    November 11, 2014 at 4:24 am #17126

    I desperately need help now!! I am a disabled veteran. I am trying to update our web site for Veterans Day as soon as possible. Whenever I try to update our web site; it will NOT update. WHY??

    I have sent 2 emails to Mojo and I have not received any response. I noticed other customers are having this same problem for several weeks. Highend Theme is a beautiful designed theme, however, to continue to sell more of your designs with problems you should take care of the customers before you have more problems.

    In the beginning I was really happy with this theme. I am not sure how to feel after I purchased a design that is not working. I truly hope this is not “Bait and Switch.” Remember your reputation is on the line!


    Kericia E. Smith
    Disabled Veteran

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