Sidebars – A different one depending on the page?

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    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Inactive
    January 8, 2015 at 11:53 pm #22822

    Hi there!

    I’m wanting to have a different sidebar depending on which page is displayed. So, I have created two new sidebars (SidebarX and SidebarY) via Sidebar Manager, and added custom menu widgets (MenuX and MenuY) to them in the Widgets section.

    What is the best way for me to now display SidebarX on pageX, and SidebatY on pageY, while still having all other pages on the site using the Default Sidebar as set in the Highend Default Layout Options section?

    I was hoping I would be able to choose which sidebar to use on a per-page basis, but I cannot seem to see how I would do this.

    Many thanks!


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