Revolution Slider – FULL WIDTH

  • Resolved
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    August 8, 2016 at 10:06 am #90866

    I was inspired by the Cafe Demo to create a UNIQUE landing page and then using the 4th layout (the vertical left stripe with menu) for the rest of my site. I assume this should be possible.

    PROBLEM: I am trying to use a banner image I created for my landing page at the top of the page, and I would like it to be FULL WIDTH and of course I want it to adjust if the browser window is resized. I don’t know why this has been SO difficult since it seems very commonly done on all the demos, etc.

    1. I started with a NEW BLANK PAGE, Stretched, Full width format, hide all footers

    3. Created a Revolution Slider (since I want this header to be animated, an issue for later), put the image into the slider center-Top, full width

    I tried BOTH using it as a background image AND just placing it as an image on the slider.

    4. I then used VisualComposer to just place the revolution slider on the new page (like is done with the Cafe Demo page that I looked at for the unique landing page).

    5. But I cannot get the image to completely fill the width of the page – its compressed, distorted, and doesn’t cross the left or right boundaries, suggesting to me that the menu bars are still there for some reason that I can’t figure out. It also has some white space above the header – why?! How do I remove it?

    6. I want the header to completely fill the entire width of the page. Your AppDemo Demo page has a similar effect but I am having a lot of trouble creating it.

    I have attached screenshots of both my Slider and the result.

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