responsive question as content is overlapping

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    September 7, 2019 at 7:51 pm #141902

    i’m using the highend theme for a long time and very happy ! recently i started watching others navigate our site on their desktops and laptops. not surprising but everyone has their own way of browser-view management. for those who choose to squish the browser width to accommodate several windows at one time we have this problem…

    the left side skyscraper ad goes over the narrative when the browser width gets too narrow hiding the narrative. some sites kick the skyscraper down with no overlap which seems like the right layout adjustment. however our site is not doing that.

    this also happens with our image gallery

    is this our ad/gallery applications, our theme, causing the problem ? i know we can code the ad, etc. to go under the narrative in this example but we don’t what that option either.

    it should be mentioned that on a mobile device the ad kicks down avoiding any overlaps.

    so what’s happening ? is this fixable ?

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