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  • In Progress
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    December 25, 2014 at 1:33 pm #21436

    Hello, first of Kudos for working on the frontlines on no less than Christmas day.

    Question: For my website I’ll have literally thousands of pictures on hundreds of pages. What issues can I expect to face and the solutions to them?

    From my own knowledge I know the site will eventually come to a point I need to invest in larger servers but as for and the Highend theme, will it continute to run smoothly as long as the Server is put in place?

    Currently my WP Memory limit is 40MB and is red alerting me that the recommended amount is 64MB. Not knowing how to increase it and having no issues currently with the site or demo import, i’ve left it be.

    However with many images, can I expect a time when I must leave wordpress and invest in private website creation and servers?

    Many thanks,

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