Purchased Highend Theme in 2014 from Mojo Marketplace

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    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    November 20, 2024 at 12:25 pm #166603

    I’ve been searching for the Highend Theme purchase across my archives and am not finding it.
    I’ve probably gone through 3 computers since 2014.

    Highend was one of two themes I bought from Mojo.

    My email only goes back as far as 2017. I’ve also changed banks and cards since 2014.
    I have been using the same VPS since 2014 however.

    My username at Mojo was dalanredd – If you still have the user database from Mojo you can find me there. I’m pretty sure that my purchase for Highend was the same as what you’re charging for it now.

    Of the two themes I purchased from Mojo, Highend was the most stable and reliable and I’ve been using this theme for quite literally years.

    Hope you guys can help find my user account from 2014 at Mojo – Everything is in there.

    Thank you and I hope to hear back from you shortly


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