Plug In Shortcode Error

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    October 8, 2014 at 3:07 pm #13939

    Hey there,

    I’ve been in contact with both HB Themes and my hosting company, when I try to edit with the visual editor I return what my computer is saying is a “fatal error”. The error picture was attached in a comment I made yesterday, but I have received an update from my hosting company and they say that permissions are indeed correct.


    I can confirm the file/folder permissions are correct, and can also provide you with a list of files/folders along with their permissions to give them if needed. The error being returned, is due to the same function being defined twice, which has no bearing on file/folder permissions. This is seen in the code as follows:

    [root@gator3037 ~]# grep -Hm3 layerslider /home4/teehalz/public_html/
    /home4/teehalz/public_html/ layerslider_init($atts) {
    /home4/teehalz/public_html/ layerslider($id = 0, $page = ”) {
    [root@gator3037 ~]#

    Please provide them the following as reference to using add_shortcode: – “Note that the function called by the shortcode should never produce output of any kind. Shortcode functions should return the text that is to be used to replace the shortcode.”

    To my understanding, the layerslider shortcode, will basically return layerslider_init and nothing else, which is later being redefined through ‘function layerslider’, and causing the error you are seeing. Changing file/folder permissions will not alter/fix function redeclarations. Please have them revise their code.”

    Thank you,

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