Numerous problems with highend theme affecting my website

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    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    September 3, 2014 at 5:23 pm #9944


    I hope you can help me. I am having numerous problems with my highend theme on my website “” and the people at iPage (my hosting site) who specialize in wordpress can’t help me.

    1. The contact box on the bottom right hand corner of my screen does not work. I have used the contact settings to correctly enter the email I wish my customers to contact me at: however, when someone fills out the form and tries to send me an email it does not work and I do not receive the email. Also, my email address link at the top left of the screen doesn’t work.

    2. I also would like to have people be able to click on my gmail address on any of my posts and be redirected to my contact page. I do not know how to set this up. I am willing to pay someone to set this up for me. Can you help? Please contact me.

    3. On my Recipes sub pages (breakfast, side dishes etc) the “leave a reply I’d love to hear from you” comment is floating in the middle of my photos instead of being below where the footer is. How can I fix this?

    4. I’m having a lot of trouble sizing my logo to fit all computer screens. What do you recommend. I find the header options very limiting in highend.

    5. I am having comment flooding and do not know how to fix. I disabled woo commerce because that wasn’t working properly and now I have all these error messages. Help!

    I would appreciate your help with these issues. I do not know code so do not know how to begin fixing these things. Please call me. I appreciate your help.

    Thank you,

    Elena Vaillancourt

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