Menue anchor links for one pagers don´t work in other pages.

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    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    July 1, 2014 at 11:24 am #4768


    I´m building a site with Highend theme as a one pager. I´m also using the portfolio pages. Unfortunately the menu links, that are optimized for the one pager don´t work in other pages, like the portfolio detail pages. for instance one link is “#company”. In the portfolio page it doesn´t work, because it interpretes it as “” and not as “”.

    I tried it this way: “/#company”. Then it works in other pages, like portfolio pages, but not inside the one pager.

    Inside of the one pager it works, when I scroll down a bit, so that I´m inside the sticky menu. But it doesn´t work, when I´m on top inside the normal menu.

    Is there any other way to solve this problem?

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