Highend Theme Options Issue

  • Resolved
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    June 18, 2014 at 1:42 am #3841

    I am attempting to make changes to the Highend Theme Options and have made the changes to wp-config as indicated in other posts, but for some reason that change is not resolving the issue. I entered the following lines at the top of that file:


    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘128M’);

    I gather from a couple of other posts and some documentation that this should fix the issue. However, I’m wondering oif there are settings I need to set elsehwre as well because the System Diagnostics section still contains messages indicating the settings are not as they should be:

    WP Memory Limit:
    40 MB
    Recommended memory limit should be at least 64MB. Please, take a look at: Increasing memory allocated to PHP for more information.
    WP Max Upload Size:
    8 MB
    Max Execution Time:
    Recommended max_execution_time should be at least 120. Please, take a look at: Increasing max_execution_time instructions for more information.

    Any help much appreciated. Thanks All!

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