I’d like to make my header the full length and width of the top.
I used this code:
background-image: url(‘http://simplelifemom.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Header-e1411000798416.jpg’) !important;
background-repeat: no-repeat !important; /* Change to repeat if you want a texture for your background */
background-size: cover !important; /* Change to initial if you want a texture for your background */
#header-inner.nav-type-2 #logo img { max-height:100% !important; }
#header-inner.nav-type-2 #logo { padding: 0 !important; }
#header-inner-bg .container-wide { padding: 0 !important; }Screen shot3 is of the picture just put into “Logo” section of Highend Options.
Screen Shot1 is using the above code. The dimensions are ok, but the uploaded logo is on top of it.
Screen shot2 is when I remove the uploaded logo and leave the code. It puts in the title and cuts of the picture.I got the code from someone else’s question, but it obviously is not working for me correctly.
…Well, it’s only allowing me to submit one picture for some reason.
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