Grey Bar of Death!

  • Inactive
    December 23, 2014 at 8:16 pm #21150

    Please help us! There are a number of people who are here reporting on the issue. If any of you have solved it on your own, please report back as HB-THEMES seems to be unresponsive today for this issue.

    On my site:

    There is a big grey bar underneath our header / nav bars.

    I’ve found it to be a piece of html that is div id “slider-section”.

    I’m going to make the id set to hidden in the custom CSS, but this is a hack and might break something else or prevent me from using sliders in my theme, who knows. I don’t use them right now, so I’m just going to try and see if this solves it temp as this is a production site.

    This is the code that will “fix” the issue for now, as a bandage, until HB-Themes fixes the issue.

    Add the following code to the extra CSS section (at the bottom of the High End Options Settings)


    #slider-section {

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