General page layouts

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    June 18, 2014 at 8:47 pm #3902


    Thanks for the great theme “high end”! I love working with it as well as the amazing look of the pages.
    There are some things going on with the general layout options however:

    1. Highend options: switch standard layout to “wide”. However, all pages (including new pages) remain to hold a space for right sidebar. Only the page with search results changes according to my settings. The other pages, I have to change it manually.
    2. Putting breadcrumbs off and standard titles on results in breadcrumbs still being displayed.
    3. In the line above the header, I’ve made a link to a page. It works fine, except on products pages or FAQ pages. There the theme thinks the referred page is part of the products or FAQ’s respectively.

    I could need some help on these. Thanks!

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