Frontend Editor

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    January 18, 2024 at 3:00 pm #161553

    Hello, I am brand new to Highend Theme. Reviewing tutorial videos is frustrating when they are outdated and my install of the theme does not have the same menu options as shown in the tutorial. The online forum search is troublesome because I do not yet speak “Highend Theme language” and have to swim through a mountain of entries only to find someone with a similar question but no actual solution posted in the thread because the conversation was taken private. I find myself wondering if I am missing something here – what IS the best approach to learning Highend Theme?
    At the moment, a more specific question is about the links that I keep seeing in training tutorials called Frontend Editor / Backend Editor. I have yet to figure out how to access this editing mode and all the features that seem to be available in that mode. Can someone offer direction on how to access this? Thank you!

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