Disable "Staff Picks" slide after Vimeo video slide

  • Customer
    May 11, 2018 at 6:46 pm #126971

    I’m trying to set up my home page to display a singular video that would loop. I first tried using a Youtube link, but the video would not auto-play, leaving a big red play button on the screen for the user to click.

    I then tried using the “Featured Image” setting and uploading the video file, but it was over the amount of space allowed for that.

    I’m now using the Revolution Slider and decided to upload the video file to Vimeo for it to be streamed, and I’m using the “One Page Slider” slider option and got the video to successfully play on its own, however I’m running into some minor issues that I’d like to fix:

    1. When the Vimeo stream ends, instead of it looping (which I was sure I turned on), it ends on a screen that says “Staff Picks” and shows 3 different pictures that look like slides of some kind, I’d like to disable this if possible since they don’t have anything related to our content, one even outright says “Intercourse” on it.

    2. Using the Vimeo stream option, it forces me to use a “Cover Photo” and I don’t seem to have any option to disable it, so I chose to use a picture of the Vimeo video that I uploaded to try and blend it in.

    Our site is located at: wp.sbs-intl.com

    You can see the “Revolution Slider” on the home page that I’m having issues with.

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