Portfolio not adding pages

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    March 24, 2015 at 12:05 am #33084

    So this is a problem I’ve been trying to solve for the last few days without having any answer (https://hb-themes.com/forum/all/topic/portfolio-creates-extra-page-and-doesnt-show-published-item/#post-32592)

    Basically: my portfolio only builds one page. If I set the amount to elements to 12, it shows 12 of them on page 1, then hides all the others, and shows a NOT FOUND on page 2. It also creates page 2 at the end of every page.

    If I set it to 15 elements per page, or 20, it does the same thing: showing 15 or 20 elements on the main page, but not creating a second or third page.

    So what I need is a:
    – find out how to set up my portfolio so it creates more pages with the additional elements
    – find out why it creates fake pages 2 everywhere that don’t work and how to take them down.

    My site portfolio: http://www.mentorless.com/the-monthly-creative-menu

    It’s been three days now that I can’t move forward on my site about this. Please don’t ignore this message, I seriously need to solve that.

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