WooCommerce cart always shows "Shipping: Free", Woo support blames Highend

  • Resolved
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    May 31, 2014 at 2:18 pm #2865

    My site is http://www.goldengriffongames.com, running WordPress 3.9.1, Highend 1.1, and with WooCommerce 2.1.9. The integration between Highend and WooCommerce is impressive, but it’s giving me a problem:

    I have free shipping disabled. My only shipping option is flat rate for $2. The cart shows the total correctly, however instead of showing the shipping cost it always shows “Free” on the shipping line. This is very confusing for customers, who wonder why the total is $2 higher than expected.

    A screen cap is attached.

    The checkout page has everything right, displaying “Flat Rate: $2.00” on the shipping line. It’s just the cart that has this confusing problem.

    As a test, I switched over to a standard theme (twenty fourteen) and the problem was resolved. Therefore, the people on the Woo help desk told me the issue must be with my theme, so here I am.

    Site info in private response below. Thanks for any help!

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