5 Questions, please help

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Aegaeus WP Theme  
  • Customer
    January 12, 2015 at 5:33 am #23260

    1) The URL link from the button in the callout box on the front page of my website, http://www.korpungun.com, does not function. The button should lead to “http://www.korpungun.com/เรียนต่อ-อเมริกา/”, instead, it leads to my website homepage, http://www.korpungun.com. Here the shortcode is written “[callout size=”col-12″ last_column=”true” title=”5 ขั้นตอนการสมัครเรียน Community College กับก้อปันกัน” button_title=”คลิกที่นี่” button_color=”red” button_size=”medium” button_link=”http://www.korpungun.com/เรียนต่อ-อเมริกา/‎ button_in_new_tab=”true” flip_right_edge=”true” button_rounded=”false”]” Could you please help let me know how to fix this?

    2) My website, http://www.korpungun.com, also has the same issue in regard to aligning social media on mobile as same as #1 and #2 in this link https://hb-themes.com/forum/all/topic/aligning-social-media-slider-on-mobile/ – the social media is too far to the left not entered and the significant space between menu and slider on mobile device (Iphone). How could I have this fixed on my website?

    3) On the Contact column at my website’s footer, the Tel, E-mail, and Address do not contain URL links, how could I add the URL to them?

    4) Is there a way to adjust the length of space between the tagline and the site logo on the top part of my website?

    5) I have attached the a picture along for this question. What I try to ask is how to adjust the space/lengths in the areas that the red arrows point at?

    Thank you,

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