Change Modal Window Button Using Button Options

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    May 14, 2024 at 10:05 am #162789

    Hello, I have setup a modal window on my page and all is working as expected, but I want to customise the appearance of the modal window button to match the other buttons on my website but cannot figure this out.

    This is an example button from my website which I want the modal to match:

    [button title=”Get My Free Mortgage Quote” link=”#” icon=”hb-moon-home-9″ special_style=”yes” three_d=”yes” size=”large” color=”amethyst” animation=”bottom-to-top”]

    I can’t share the link to my website as it is in “Under Construction” but I have attached a screenshot. All of the purple “Get My Free Mortgage Quote” buttons I want to change to open a modal window as above.

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