WooCommerce & Menu / screen editing

  • Resolved
    Posted in: Highend WP Theme  
  • Customer
    September 4, 2014 at 5:17 pm #10162

    This may be one of those things where Woo needs to answer the questions?

    1. I need to have the shop screen open from 3 different store menu selections. The respective screen needs to list products only for the selected store menu selection. I would like to use the Category and subcategory to manage this selection. Generally WordPress does this when you setup the order of the screens. But Woo is different where it lets you assign the product to a category. That does not set the page to display to the selected store as I need it to do.

    Can you suggest how to make this work?

    2. I want to add a image slider into the detail page of the product using the Laptop or other slider, and this to be setup to be a preset for the 3 different stores?

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